Laxey Wheel
Leaving a Legacy to the Friends of Manx National Heritage
The Friends of Manx National Heritage
Friends of Manx National Heritage is a Manx Charity created to support the work of Manx Nationa Heritage and has a unique role in heping to preserve our Island history, heritage and properties, which include some 3000 acres of Manx National Trust Land.
Leaving a Legacy
We would ask you to consider kindly leaving a legacy to Friends of Manx National Heritage when you make your will. Such generosity will provide funds to assist Manx National Heritage protect our island for future generations.
With such help works of art can be acquired, valuable conservation work continued - and in some cases assistance given to acquire and preserve properties of historic or scenic significance.
What to do?
Making a Will is not difficult and is relatively inexpensive. A valid Will is one way for your wishes to be carried out. We would recommend you seek professional advice from an advocate.
Should you be considering leaving land or buildings we would suggest you contact us and we can put you in touch with the relevant person before drafting your Will.
For further help contact:
The Friends of Manx National Heritage
PO Box 55, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM99 1AE
Email: info@fmnh.im
Telephone: +44 (0) 7624 243806